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Taylor & Grace - Shot on my Leica M10


Welcome to the Wedding of Taylor & Grace! Boy o boy was I keen as a green bean to shoot this one. A little back story for you all, buckle up, grab some of your favourite buttered corn of the popped variant and enjoy the show....Not really a show but it felt good to type. I met these legends 2 years ago at a wedding, they were the videographers at a wedding I was shooting at. Weird back back story, 2 days prior to this wedding we met at an add came up for their business "T&G Studio" so I had a little stalk and I saw them and was like "hmmm I feel like I would be good friends with these 2" and you guessed it we hit it off like a house on fire, until.....Until hwhat? Well until the actual house caught on fire and we are no longer friends. The end. Kidding!

I rocked up to this wedding and the 2 people I was stalking only days before were in the room with the groom getting ready, from pixels to persons in the flesh in the matter of days! What are the chances? Probably high, Adelaide is small, but I like to think it was written in the stars (I said that in the French accent Jim Carrey does in "The Mask").

Over the next 2 years we became really good friends, good enough friends for them to ask me to shoot their intimate Wedding! I was honoured, I was so keen not only to shoot their wedding but I got to use my Leica M10 for the first time in a Wedding environment (I only bought it 2 weeks prior). I didn't shoot the full day on the Leica because I hadn't shot a Wedding with it before so my 2 main cameras were still the R6's BUT I still took over 750 snaps with the Leica which is a decent amount considering there was much much more thought into every photo taken, I'm trying to take more photos with intention which means less overall photos taken, less is more sometimes but then sometimes more is more and more is better but with the Leica less is more, sheeeesh that was like a riddle to get into Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory! Anyway here are some snaps (majority of these are with the Leica m10, the ones that say Canon R6^ are, you guessed it, shot with the R6). Alrighty, just like a tapeworm lets dig in:

We started the day at this dope AirBNB in Malvern called "The Cremorne Street Coach House"

The AirBNB is just stunning! It is located at the back of the property upstairs and is the perfect place for getting ready! Good light, nice soft warm tones, everything you need to take some nice snaps!

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

These are Graces flowers, herself and her family did pretty much everything themselves! Amazing!

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Now this shot^! I usually don't do too many black & white images because I believe colour just looks better in 90% of instances but black & white with the Leica just hits different, its just so textury.

Shot on Canon R6^ I take pride in being in almost no mirror shots ever, not because I'm a vampire. I like to block certain things out of the frame with other objects in the frame but unfortunately you cant win them all.

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^ Taylor & Graces Dogs, Manny & Willow made a guest appearance out the front of the AirBNB and we managed to snap a few photos in between the crazy amount of hypeness these dogs bring when they see their owners.

Shot on Canon R6^ We arrived at the registry office in the city & this photo here, the story behind it was Taylor's mum got up there and was like "wheres Grace's ring, I don't have it" she had it on the drive over but got to the registry office and it pulled a Houdini on us! She frantically ran back to the car before the ceremony started to look for the ring and luckily it was there sitting on the floor of the car in its box, sometimes rings want alone time before the ceremony. This pic was Grace's mum (Mumma Dev) giving Taylor's mum a hug of "everything is all good". Remember peeps, just because you look at a photo and be like "why did they add that photo" it may mean nothing to you but every photo has a story behind it.

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^ Truth be told there is someone photoshopped out of from behind the table in this image. I have magical Photoshop powers....sometimes.

Because it was still winter in Australia it was raining on their day BUT every time we wanted to stop off somewhere to get some snaps I did my bearded rain dance and the rain would hold off for 10 mins so we could snap away. These are taken in front of "The Darling" building in the city and is a reminder that Adelaide once had beautiful buildings with character everywhere which majority have been demolished and replaced for buildings with no soul, Adelaide has a history of demolishing good things, things like Magic Mountain. Who remembers the rumors of razorblades being in the water slides? Or was that just some crazy dream I had and thought there was a rumor about them? Who knows, that memory is almost gone just like all of our cool buildings!

We then went to a rooftop car park which just has a cool vibe to it, the next 2 photos are also a good demonstration of how different light affects images.

^The sun came out from between the clouds kind of like the teletubbies sun baby and graced our presence, you can see that the image is warmer and less contrasty,

^The teletubby sun baby had disappeared now and this is always my favourite kind of light to shoot in, nice even lighting, more contrast than above and just all round would look dope in the pool room or the fridge or on your phone.....this is also a reminder to PRINT YOUR PHOTOS.

Shot on Canon R6^ As you can see here the rain started up again (because the bearded rain dance had stopped) We drove back to Mumma Devs house where they had a dope setup out the back!

Shot on Canon R6^

Can you believe Grace, Taylor & their fams all did this on their own?

^ Mumma Dev hand wrote out everyone's name card! Look how good they look!

^ Grace also found these beeswax candles (no yucky poisons in them like most candles that people don't even realise they are ingesting and wonder why they have headaches at home all the time) second hand on marketplace, they were left overs from a previous wedding and look how good they look, LOOK AT THEM! Ok enough candle talk, lets commence the rest of the day.

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^. Yes. Tears were shed from pretty much everyone in the room, I blame the caterers for chopping onions precisely at the time Grace & Taylor walked in.

Up the road was one of my all time favourite places to shoot couple portraits at, it was wet and freezing, but you gotta go what you gotta go to get some dope snaps amirite? This time of the year its super green up there, almost like Irish green, the city had a haze over it and just all round looks pleasing to the retinas! I'm going to shoosh now and just let the photos do the talking and you can feel the vibe....cringe, feel the vibe caaaringeeeeee! Sounded right to type though so just went with it.

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Shot on Canon R6^

Peace out homies!


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